Editing submissions

After uploading sequences and while approving them you may see something you’d like to edit, or fix a warning. You can do this by editing the sequence before releasing it.

Editing sequences on the website

After your submitted sequences have processed and are visible on the review page (with “Current Submissions” displayed to the top-left), you can edit any sequence by clicking the ‘edit’ button (pencil and paper) to the right of the sequence.

This will take you to a new page where you can edit all the fields you uploaded, or add information to an empty field. You can also edit the unaligned sequence.

After making any edits you wish, press the ‘Submit’ button at the top-left, and confirm the submission. The sequence will go back to processing, and display on the page again when processing is complete. If the status of having a warning or error has changed, a new status symbol will be shown to the left of the sequence.

You can then proceed to approving all valid sequences.

Editing sequences via the API

Instructions coming soon. See the Swagger API documentation