API Documentation

There is a Swagger UI for documentation and direct interaction with the APIs. For more tips on how to use the API, it is recommended to start with the API Authentication documentation.

WARNING: Swagger incorrectly displays NDJSON examples in JSON format. For endpoints that require NDJSON as input you must convert the JSON examples to NDJSON (e.g. by removing new lines) prior to testing.

By using our API you agree to our Data Use Terms .

Backend Server

Please note that Loculus is under continuous development and the endpoints are subject to change.
View Backend API Documentation
URL of Backend Server: https://backend.pathoplexus.org

LAPIS Query Engines

URLs of LAPIS Query Engines:
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus: https://lapis.pathoplexus.org/cchf
  • Ebola Sudan: https://lapis.pathoplexus.org/ebola-sudan
  • Ebola Zaire: https://lapis.pathoplexus.org/ebola-zaire
  • Mpox Virus: https://lapis.pathoplexus.org/mpox
  • West Nile Virus: https://lapis.pathoplexus.org/west-nile

Keycloak Server

We use the open source software Keycloak for authentication.
URL of Keycloak Server: https://authentication.pathoplexus.org