
Pathoplexus ‘versions’ all sequences it holds. This means that whenever any part of a sequence or its associated metadata is updated, a new record is generated and linked to the old data, which is preserved.

The version of a sequence is indicated by the numbers after the full-stop (.) in the accession number. For example, the initial version of a new sequence may have an accession such as: PP_0000AE.1 If later, the group who uploaded the sequence realized the collection date was wrong, and corrected this, the latest version of the accession number would now be PP_0000AE.2

When viewing a sequence record online, you can view all previous versions of a sequence by using the drop-down menu to the top-right of the page. The version status of the sequence is also displayed as part of the metadata.

If you are viewing an outdated version (not the current version) you will also see a banner at the top of the page, which you can use to link to the current version.

Note that URLs linking directly to sequences also include versions - allowing you to link to a previous version if you wish. If you link to a URL without a version at the end of the accession, it will redirect you to the most recent version.